Monday, March 7, 2011

Record Breaker


First time at lechlade this year, and the cold weather with an east wind did not bode well.

Still it was mission brownie, met up with Dusty and Brownie Basher, the terrible three reunited fishing for the first time in well over 12 months. Wives, Wives to be and babies do get in the way!

Not much was happening initially, however we set up camp on a bay at the bottom of the lake, full of trees and roots....superb brownie territory. BB was into one first, a definite double, then after a number of follows the tell tale heavy line was felt and my rod went over. A pretty large fight ensued, and eventually I got it to the net, 13lb 6oz, superb condition and my best ever trout :-)


Then true to form BB had another and lechlade being what she is, went off the boil like a light. Saw nothing for 3 hours and left for home. BB and dusty were still there so they may have had some luck later on.
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