Saturday, August 25, 2012

Day two: Urnieta to Salvatierra (with the odd mole hill on the way...)

Yesterdays challenge was finding our legs. Todays, keeping them turning.

We set off at 6.30am this morning in the dark (it doesnt get light until around 7.15) and the rain. We then carried on cycling in the rain for the next few hours. It was at least pleasantly warm.

Todays big challenge was the 5km climb out of Zegama, an ascent of 600m. Although we had been climbing since we left that morning. After much gritting of teeth and (for me a few extra stops) we both made it to the top of the climb summoning the power of st wiggo and froome. At the summit we were greeted by a bar which did the most immense sandwiches. It was a most welcome stop after the hill we just conquered.

The first 40km of the day took nearly 6 and a half hours. The next 10km flew by in about 30 minutes as we wizzed down the "hill".

Although hoping to do c.70km today, due to roads being changed and the small issue of the anticipated end point not having any accommodation we have done nearer to 100km.

I am pleased to report that spikey satnav is working as well as ever and we are completing our obligitory u-turns and that we are up to three stamps in our passports. Less pleasing is me being behind in the post box game, although i am told that my chances would be improved if i stopped pointing and shouting the spanish for beer (cerveza) instead of Correros.

James quote of the day.

"let perserverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking in anything"

Mature may be a bit much for us two but you never know!

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