Sunday, October 24, 2010

Willersley Castle

From 2010-10-24

Making up for the lack of fishing in September, I managed to sneak away again for another fish in Derbyshire. Really enjoying the river fishing this year, and so it was time for a Grayling Hunt at Willersley Castle. Awoke to a frosty but bright morning, so a quick scrape of the car and off I went.

Arrived to a busy car park, and a few maggot danglers in the vicinity, however the weather was good, and I was hopeful of a good day. Had never fished this stretch before so the old fish radar was dragged out to locate some fish. It was obviously slow to get going as I had a few misses on a dry and not a lot else.

I walked the stretch, having the odd chat with people who were catching, and they were doing nothing different to me....always good to know you are doing the right thing, which obviously makes it all the fishes fault.

I returned to a very fishy looking bend and cast away with my duo setup with a pink shrimp on the point....and wham, first fish of the day.

From 2010-10-24

Then the next cast....

From 2010-10-24

things were looking up!!

Managed another 3 from this swim before it went off the boil....not a bad day now I actually proved I could catch. walking back down to the car I saw a swim which was very promising but required a bit of a there safe, and very quickly had another grayling of 1lb size. Then came a piece of angling genius....the cast was amazing, hitting the exact spot, the body was tensed and ready....the eyes ever watchful on the fly....and WHAM a really good brown getting close on 2lb....

OR you may have seen me check my mobile phone with the fly dangling in the water and the brown came and hammered it.....stupid fish.

From 2010-10-24
From 2010-10-24

Other swims were full with others fishing so I jumped in the car and hit the Dove.... saw a few rising so stuck on a dry for a change, and managed 2 nice little grayling before the toes were blue and I was bored of being cold.

From 2010-10-24

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